Hansen Yi Portfolio Projects About Me

Featured Projects

Graphics Projects

Mini Minecraft

As a group of three, Cindy Xu, Debby Lin, and I created a playable version of Minecraft using C++ and OpenGL. What I did specifically was utilized noise functions to generate procedural terrains, and created post-processing shaders using the OpenGL Pipeline.

Mini Maya

We created a very rudimentary version of the Maya software that would allow us to import and edit mesh structures, in addition to loading and binding skeleton joints to the meshes.

Shader Fun

A CIS 460 project where we programmed portions of OpenGL's pipeline by writing different vertex and fragment shaders to apply to the surfaces of given 3D models.

Code Projects

J Compiler

In this project for CIS240, we were given the task of creating a compiler for a "new" stack-based language J. The compiler is executed through the command line where it takes in a J file and outputs an asm file.


A CIS120 project that utilized Java and the Swing GUI framework to construct a playable version of the game Tetris


This was a project for CIS120 where we used OCaml to build a paint program using its GUI toolkit.

Art Projects

Pokemon Cafe 3D Model

For my DSGN 235 Environment Project, I modeled the Pokémon Café in Tokyo. The focus of this project was on taking everything we had learned to make the objects and adding textures to the objects so that they would be more realistic, then finally creating the correct lighting.

Animated PSA Poster

A class project for DSGN 264 where we had to create an animated public service announcement poster. The poster I created focused on the issue of littering and habitat destruction.

Public Art Intervention

A group project done for my DSGN 264 final project. As a group, Mona Lee, Srinidhi Ramakrishna, and I created a video proposing the creation of a public art intervention that would allow the public to better understand the scale of a billion dollars.